Hop into an adventure brimming with fluffy excitement in the enchanting world of the Bunny Kingdom by IELLO, where strategy and fun collide. Designed by the legendary Richard Garfield, this game invites players to lead their rabbit clans across a vast board, drafting cards and building prosperous cities. The adorable bunny miniatures add a charming touch to the gameplay, making it a delightful choice for family game nights. Engage in a battle of wits and luck as you strive to control the most valuable territories and amass the greatest wealth in the bunny world.
The Bunny Kingdom by IELLO Strategic Family Board Game features:
- Engaging card drafting and strategic territory control gameplay
- Created by renowned game designer Richard Garfield
- Includes beautifully crafted bunny miniatures
- Ideal for 2-4 players, perfect for engaging friends and family
- Quick playtime of around 45 minutes, suitable for ages 14 and up