Galaxy Trucker, 2nd Edition (Board Games)

Condition Brand New

In this fast and goofy family game, 2 to 4 players begin by simultaneously rummaging through the common warehouse, frantically trying to grab the most useful component tiles for building their space ship—all in real-time. Once the ships are launched, players will encounter dangerous situations while vying for financial opportunities—each hoping to gain the most valuable cargo and finish with as much of their ship still intact as possible. Of course, that's easier said than done since many hazards will send pieces of your ship, your cargo, and your crew hurling into the depths of space. The goal is to survive the trek (hopefully with at least some of your crew and ship intact) and have at least one credit by the end of the game (a profit, yay!). Players earn credits by delivering goods, defeating pirates, having the best-looking ship, and reaching their destination before the others. The ageless classic has relaunched! It's modernized, faster, more accessible, and just as fun as ever!

Haul sewer pipes across the galaxy

Have fun watching fellow players' ships explode as you fly on to victory

The ageless classic has relaunched! In this fast and goofy family game, 2 to 4 players begin by simultaneously building space ships in real-time by frantically grabbing and assembling parts from the common warehouse.

After liftoff, players encounter dangerous situations while vying for financial opportunities. Of course, survival is no simple feat, since many hazards will send pieces of your ship, your cargo, and your crew hurling into the depths of space.

  • Real time, tile laying, random event cards.
  • Designer: Vlaada Chvatil
What is included?
  • 2 double-sided flight boards
  • 4 triple-sided ship boards
  • 156 spaceship tiles, 68 cosmic credit tiles and 6 trucker title tiles
  • 60 cards
  • 42 white figures and 8 alien figures
  • 8 rocket markers
  • 40 battery tokens
  • 55 goods blocks
  • 2 dice and 1 timer
  • 1 rulebook and 1 reference sheet