In Malta!, players embark on an engaging journey of strategy and group dynamics in this light yet captivating card game designed for two or more players. Set on a dynamic modular board featuring moving, turning, and disappearing spaces, the game challenges participants to secure advantageous positions while cultivating a strong hand of cards.
Each turn unfolds with players strategically drawing cards based on their piece's location, strategically playing half of their cards, and navigating the board. The stakes are high as players risk elimination by depleting their cards during their turn or finding themselves stranded on a space with no viable moves.
With a range of card effects spanning from advantageous to treacherous, each decision holds significant weight. The allure of playing more cards may offer benefits, yet it also carries the risk of unforeseen consequences. As players vie for supremacy and outmaneuver their opponents, only the most astute strategist will emerge victorious, evading elimination and securing victory.